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Clean + Conscious Awards - Beef Spleen & Liver Capsules Iron Metabolism

Clean + Conscious WINNER

Our Organic Beef Spleen & Liver Wholefood Capsules recently WON GOLDand EDITOR’S CHOICE in the ‘Best Wholefood Supplement’category of the Clean + Conscious Awards 2024.

As one of the few early adopters in creating beef organ wholefood powders for our community, we are extremely proud to receive this recognition.

Since 2020, we have been committed to ethical, clean, & sustainable ingredients by creating OUR very own small-batch ACO certified organic beef organ powders, made from Australian beef organs that were until recently, mostly considered waste by-products.

Our wholefood capsules are now providing thousands of people with access to the nutrients in organ meats in a tasteless & convenient way. No prep. No mess. Just pure nutrition™

What are the Clean + Conscious Awards?

The Clean & Conscious Awards celebrate the best clean & conscious products available in Australia & NZ.

All finalist products are hands-on reviewed by a panel of industry experts, composed of influential voices in eco-leadership, beauty wellness, sustainability, education, health & wellbeing. Products are evaluated & researched based on authenticity & transparency, focused on these four key criteria:

  • Clean
  • Ethical
  • Sustainable
  • Responsible

We are thrilled to receive this award which validates our dedication to creating nutrient-dense, organic, honest, clean, & conscious products!

"Dedicated to sourcing premium certified organic beef organs & freeze-drying them for easy access to nutrient-rich foods across Australia."

Organic Beef Spleen & Liver Capsules (Iron Metabolism)

Discover how dual our award-winning Organic Beef Spleen & Liver Capsules can help level up your nutrition game!

